two months: ann bennett.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Our 12 pound sack of sugar is two months old. I can't hardly believe it. Knowing how fast she will grow and change, I am trying to deeply inhale these fleeting newborn days.

Sweet Ann Bennett turned a corner in month two. Once we started supplementing and figuring out her cues, she turned into the happiest, smiliest baby on the block. She loves nothing more than your full attention, which is frankly hard to give with a demanding 22 month old. But, in the moments when it is just the two of us, she lights up. She loves to be talked to and tickled, eye gazing, and smiles. She is the most affectionate little bit, always wanting to cuddle or be held. It's safe to say she is most content in mama's arms.

Which brings me to her sleep habits…

 AB prefers to sleep in our my arms, the Moby Wrap, or the Baby Bjorn, and I'm ashamed to admit that we let her. Anything for a little peace and quiet and rest. I hate to compare (actually, my babies could not be more opposite of each other), but by 7 weeks, Brooks was napping in his crib and sleeping in it throughout the night. I'm lucky if I can get Ann Bennett to take one nap in her crib. Seriously. Our baby diva hates the crib. She hates to be swaddled, won't sleep unswaddled; I've even attempted laying her on her tummy in the crib, but no such luck. Cue: arms, Moby, or Bjorn. 

It's not all thumbs down up in here, though. Even though she isn't technically "sleep trained", she is giving us a good 8-9 hours of sleep at night before I wake her up (gasp!) to eat around 6. After her feeding she goes back down until 9:00 am. She was sleeping in her cradle at night, but is now sleeping in a borrowed Rock 'n Play. We needed somewhere for her to sleep at the beach since Brooks is still using the Breeze Playard, so my friend Megan let us borrow her Rock 'n Play. Our first night at the beach, October 1st, she graced us with 8 hours of sleep. Before that, on the night of the 26th, she slept from 9-4, but reverted back to waking up between 1:00 and 2:00. Goodbye cradle, hello new contrapment. I am dreading the day that I decide to whoop my fanny into gear and put her to bed in the crib. Maybe when she decides that napping in it isn't for the birds…

On September 23rd baby girl rolled to her side while on her playmat. She hasn't rolled completely over, but I'm thinking that it won't be long. She really loves her playmat. Thank goodness, because that is where she spends the majority of her time. She squeals at the lights and bats at the toys. This is also where we do tummy time, which is shamefully few and far between. Hence the bald spot on the back of her head. #secondchildproblems

On September 25th, I got my first "crib smile." Waking up and seeing mommy smiling is the best.

We are still following the Moms on Call schedule so baby girl is still eating every few hours. She gets a 5 ounce bottle of formula at 6:00 a.m., I nurse her at 9:00 and give her a 3 ounce bottle of breastmilk afterwards. I do the same at 12:00. At 3:00 p.m. she gets a 4 ounce bottle of breastmilk, at 5:30 p.m. she gets a 4 ounce bottle of formula, and we end the night with a 5 ounce bottle of formula at 8:30 p.m. We must be doing something right because at her two month well-check up she was 12 pounds, 23 inches long. 

Ann Bennett still has the most striking baby blues, which are becoming lighter like her brother's. I get lost in them. Her hair is thinning out a good bit and the regrowth is still dark. Looks like it is going to stay that way. 

She looks just like her daddy. Their baby pictures are identical. I think it is so funny that Brooks was always (still is) mistaken for a girl and AB has been called a boy a time or twelve. Maybe our next child will look like me? Please?

Beautiful baby girl, you have graced us with your presence for two months now and life couldn't be sweeter. What a joy and blessing you are to our family!


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