from three to four.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

A couple of weeks ago, the talented and mighty precious Sunny Jones, of Sunny Jones Photography, came over to snap some casual pictures of us as a family of four. I had high hopes, y'all. And unfortunately, those big dreams of sweet priceless moments captured between Ann Bennett and her big brother were shattered thanks to my terrible-almost-two-year-old. Brooks fussed, cried, and threw epic tantrums the entire time. I swear he was holding an imaginary pitchfork and breathing fire by the way he was acting. 


Sunny, to my surprise (and by the grace of God), was able to capture a few great ones. 

Hip hooray for high shutter speeds...

My loves. 

Thank you, Annie B for cooperating. You took home the gold medal that day. Brooks, I still love you, tears and all. XO.


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