mullet be gone.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

On Saturday, John and I took Brooks to Vestavia Barber for a long overdue first haircut. Was I sentimental? Not really. The mullet had gotten out.of.control and it was time. It was actually time five months ago, but you can't cut your wittle baby's hair within his first year, right? It just felt like a sin. So, we waited and then life got in the way and we forgot about it. Okay, maybe we didn't forget it about it. We were reminded every night during bath time when the wet mullet surpassed the shoulders. GASP. And a woman waiting in line with her son confirmed it was time when she asked, "How old is she?"

So, onto the first cut...

Speaking of line, it was long. We walked in and there was a barber shop full of men. I mean, full. Luckily, they had a little play table to entertain the babes and that it did. Brooks also made a friend or ten. That boy—he is a social butterfly! He kept bringing figurines to a young boy sitting with his brothers on the floor who finally got up and moved! Ha. Bless him.

When it was our turn, I'm pretty sure John and I both started sweating, expecting the worst. I was thinking one of us would hold Brooks in our lap, but the stylist propped him up like a big boy on a booster. 

He thought he was big stuff.

Before she started snipping away, another stylist suggested giving him a sucker. It was his first rodeo with a lollipop and he wasn't quite sure what to do with it, but it kept him entertained the entire time. The only problem was, he wasn't sure how to swallow and his cape ended up drenched.

He sat in that chair like a champ! Even the hairdresser said that he did a great job, that most four year olds don't cooperate and sit still like he did. He did get fussy towards the end, but I think it's because he was starting to feel sticky, thanks to the gallons of sucker saliva seeping down his neck.

I kept a lock of his mullet hair to keep forever and ever to remember this special milestone. And I see many more trips to the barber in our future!

Such a big, handsome boy!

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