gaining and growing.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Our little man is 21 days old today! We are head over heels in love with our tiny blessing, but parenthood is hard, really hard. We have had our fair share of ups and downs these past 3 weeks and I am running on fumes, but it's so worth it and incredibly rewarding at the end of the day when I gaze at my sleeping baby's oh so perfect and peaceful face and think, "we survived another day." 

Brooks had his 3 week check-up today and we were dealt both good news and bad. Bitty boy is healthy and growing, however he is not growing at the most desirable rate. He is back up to his birth weight, but is only gaining about 1/2 an ounce per day versus one ounce—which means one thing: he isn't getting enough milk...this mama's worst nightmare. 

Deep breath. Brooks typically nurses for about 40 minutes every two hours, sometimes less, sometimes more. This is very draining on me, because that means that after a session, he is ready to nurse an hour later. Let's just say he is attached to me almost all day, every day. You would think that he would be plumping up with such long feedings, but we have a VERY slow eater on our hands who tends to latch and unlatch rather frequently. This is both frustrating for me and baby.

I have yet to pump, but this is about to change. If this doesn't increase my supply, our pediatrician suggested supplement feeding (giving him a couple of ounces of formula at the end of each nursing session). I am praying that the pumping helps and that I can continue to exclusively breastfeed, but at the same time I am reminding myself that if I ultimately have to supplement that I am not failing as a mother and that I need to do whatever is best for Brooks. We go back to the pediatrician on Monday to see if peanut has gained any more weight. If he has, great...if he hasn't, we will discuss other options in more detail.

Please pray with me.

In the meantime, I am going to continue to enjoy every second with our adorbs boy—the smiles, the coos, the cuddling, the fussiness, and tears. Yes, even the fussiness and tears...

I could just eat him UP.



  1. oh man I LOVE seeing pictures of that boy!! I could eat him up too :). Praying for more milk flow and better latching on! Remember that Grace covers you. God has a perfect plan for Brooks - one that will not be thwarted based the means in which he gets nutrients. Love you friend!

  2. Congratulations on such a handsome baby boy! Oh the joys of motherhood and feedings. Hang in there with the exhaustion. Just as you think you can handle no more, he will suddenly start going longer without food and you will suddenly get a tiny bit of sleep. :)


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