campbell: eight months.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Oh, precious boy. Looking back on your last monthly post, not a whole lot has changed. Therefore, this post will be short and sweet. You were, once again, very clingy and fussy this month. The same contributing factors from last month carried on into month eight and I know for a fact it was due to teething, new tricks, being sick, and not wanting to be separated from your mama.  

Let's start with tricks! You are talking a lot more. Lots of babbles (bbbbs) and dadas. Yep, you spoke your first word on January 17th: DADA! Yaya came next on the 28th. Also on the 28th, you perfected the sitting to crawl position—I couldn't believe it! I thought you were so far from mastering this skill seeing that just the night before you really started straightening and pushing up on your arms, but just like sitting, it only took one try and it clicked! I don't think it will be long until you're officially on the move. 

You earned the nickname "grabby hands" this month. You grab, practically diving out of our arms at times, EVERYTHING. You are strong and mighty, my love. You can lift the highchair tray up and you held three, yes three, trays at Bar Taco with ONE hand.

I mentioned you diving out of our arms and that is exactly where you preferred to be this month…in our arms. Just like month seven, you refuse to be put down. You arch your back and fuss when I put you into your carseat or the stroller. Just this week we went to the zoo and I ended up having to carry you and push the stroller the entire trip. When I start lowering you into the jumperoo or activity center you start crying and kicking your legs. When we go to change your diaper you do the same. You decided you wanted to take it to the next level by throwing a fit and crying when we walk into your room for naps. We don't even make it to the crib before you fall apart! 

In your defense, on Sunday you developed a fever so I took you to the doctor on Monday. Turns out, you have RSV and a double ear infection. One of your ears is infected really bad. Thankfully, you are on the mend, but the congestion, runny nose, and sleep refusal is still going strong and I have a feeling it may become our new normal with these stubborn teeth! Your second tooth is going to break through the skin any day now. I am praying you find relief soon!

There is still a dip in your appetite. While you aren't taking bottles very well, you are still eating fine. We added meat to your diet this month—turkey (with corn) on the 26th and chicken (with rice) on the 28th. You also love to eat your piggy toes. 

Not much else to report, Campbell Bambell. Between you, your daddy, brother and sister being sick and life moving at record speed, I'm just thankful I found the time to take your eight month pictures and document this month! Despite the circumstances, you still shine bright. 

We love you to the moon, baby boy!

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