campbell: four months.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Well, we are four months in with you in our arms, Happy Camper. Our time with you just keeps getting better and sweeter. God sure knew just what we needed when He gave you to us. You lift up our world, baby boy!

I’ve said it before, but I will say it are such a joy. You rarely cry or fuss. I probably can’t even count the times you’ve been upset on both hands. As I was rocking you to sleep for your late morning nap, you dozed off peacefully within seconds with a smirk on your face. I thought to myself—he was just playing and smiling happily a minute ago. Most babies get fussy when they are tired, but not you! You wear that smile all day, every day. You always light up when you see Mommy’s face. Our love for each other is mutual. You give me the best smiles, cackles, and laughs. You have started smiling at your brother and sister, too. They think your smiles are pretty great.

You love any and all attention. You notice when we leave you alone on your play mat. You will scream and squeal so loud. And speaking of your play mat, you love it and now interact and play with all of your toys. You’ve got quite the grip!

You put everything in your mouth. You are especially fond of your hands, but prefer sucking on your pointer finger or both your pointer and your middle finger. You still don’t love your paci. You fall asleep with it, but when I come to bed an hour or two later, it has already fallen out and you don’t need it the remainder of the night.

Also, we unswaddled you this month! You did great. You sleep at night in the Zip-a-Dee-Zip, but nap in a regular sleep sack. I love when you put your arms up or hands over your eyes. And lastly for sleep, I go against the grain and rock you to sleep for every nap and for a few minutes at night. Sorry, not sorry.

Night: you are sleeping through it still, but we did have a bit of a regression a couple of weeks ago. You were waking up a few times, but would settle with the paci. You are still sleeping in our room at night, but take all naps in the crib. Or car seat. Or on me. Some days the “45-minute Intruder” wakes you up, but some days you will sleep for 2 hours. The short naps don’t bother me since we are always on the go. As long as you are sleeping 12 hours at night, Mama is happy!

You are eating more. I’ve added an ounce to your supplement bottles (I nurse then give you a bottle of breast milk for three of your feedings) and you get a bottle of formula in the morning and at night. You typically drink 6 ounces in the morning and 8 ounces at night. The last two nights you’ve only taken 7 ounces at night, so you may have hit a growth spurt. I am not sure how much you weigh—your well check-up is on Friday—but, you certainly are gaining and growing!

You graduated to size 3 diapers and 3-6 month and true 6 month outfits. It always breaks my heart a little bit to switch out sleepers, but I am thankful you are thriving.

You developed a flat spot on the side of your head last month so we have been working with the chiropractor to build the strength in your neck and I am happy to say, your head has perfectly rounded out. We have been doing more tummy-time and exercises and now you actually smile while playing on your tummy! One of your arms is still a little bit weak, but in no time we will have you pushing up.

To wrap this up, I just want to add a couple of things. First, you are extremely ticklish. You are most ticklish under your chin and you tend to hold in your laugh as long as you can. Also, you absolutely love tubbies. You would stay in the tub for an hour if I let you! You had your first bath with your brother and sister this month. There's nothing quite like seeing all three of your babies in the tubby together! I have big love for all of you. I'm so thankful you're mine. Happy four months, Campbell!

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