meet your baby brother and going home.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Our first day with Camp was pretty euphoric. I was exhausted, running on fumes and a newborn high, not wanting a minute to pass where I wasn't inhaling every inch and breath of him. Why sleep when you have a face as precious as his to stare at?! 

Having Campbell all to myself for a few hours was bittersweet, as I missed my other babies at home. I was so excited to see them and watch them meet their new baby brother. John went home to grab them (they spent the morning at Shug and Pops' house) and bring them to the hospital late morning. We didn't tell them if the baby was a boy or a girl, so to see their faces light up when we told them that Camp was a boy was so sweet. Ann Bennett, of course, wanted to hold him and didn't want to share him with anyone. Brooks was timid and opted out of holding him. He also got emotional leaving his mama and it broke my heart into pieces. I couldn't wait to get home so I could love on all three of my babies so John and I asked if we could leave tomorrow and they told us if everything continued to go smoothly and Camp didn't have any complications from his circumcision then yes, we could have an early discharge.

My precious friends, Katie Beth and Jessica, visited the next morning. And so did my little buddy! 

The doctors gave us the go-ahead to go home around lunch, so we loaded up Camp and beelined it out the door!

Goodbye, hospital. Hello, reality!

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