ann bennett: fifteen months.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My sweet and sassy girl is fifteen months old. Fifteen months! In the blink of an eye she went from being a baby to toddling around, talking, and holding her own. With every passing day, there is another discovery, milestone, or new trait. She is just that—both sweet and  sassy.

Ann Bennett has a total of seven teeth, four on top and three on the bottom (middle teeth, both top and bottom, and three molars). Her bottom right molar and top left tooth are breaking through, as we speak. Teeth, or no teeth, she eats like a horse. Loves: peas, corn, green beans, turkey, blueberries, white fish, strawberries, raisins, rice, cheese, and pouches. She isn't a huge fan of avocado (unless it's guac'd), but that's about it?! Annie Bananie doesn't miss many meals...

At her 15 month well check-up, Annie weighed 25 pounds, 6 ounces (92nd percentile) and measured 32.5 inches tall (97th percentile). Her head circumference was 46.2 centimeters (65th percentile). Daddy took her to this appointment and said that she took her shots like a champ. We are so thankful for a healthy baby girl.

Little bit's vocabulary has taken off. She talks and babbles all.the.time. Most of the time, we have no idea what she is saying. I will hear her in her room just chit-chatting away and when I check on her she has usually found her way up into the chair with a book. She went from saying, "mama" to "mommy." She pronounces it just like Stewie from Family Guy. I die. She also says, "Dada," "Bubba (Brooks)," "Nanie," "Pop Pop," "Pops," "love you," "blueberry," "nack (snack)," "all done," Christmas tree," "ya ya (what she calls her lovies)," "pa pa (paci)," "baby," "yummy," "moon," "aya (outside)," "trackhoe," "book," "water," and "ball."

AB is a decent sleeper. We put her down between 7:00-7:30 and she typically wakes between 6:00-6:30. She dropped her morning nap (thanks, baby) at 12 months, so naps once a day, around 1:00 p.m. Her afternoon nap ranges from 1.5 to 2 hours, but there are days, usually rainy ones, where she will give me a long, three hour nap. On those days, I raise the roof. She typically falls asleep in the carpool line on school days. If she does, she refuses her nap altogether. On those days, I curl up in the fetal position and cry…

I always joke that Ann Bennett's middle name should be "busy." I have also had strangers tell me that her middle name should be "busy." That gives you a little taste of her personality…

She loves big. If you ask for a hug, she will run full speed ahead and wrap her little arms around you. She especially loves her daddy and Brooks. If Brooks laughs, she laughs. If he runs and "falls down," she runs and falls down. I can typically find the two of them jumping on the couch together, building forts, or making a mess in B's room. If I had a soundtrack to my life, "Sis! Watch this!" would be a song. The first thing she asks for in the morning is "Bubba." If he is still napping in the afternoon, she carries around the monitor saying his name over and over again. When it's time to pick Brooks up from school, I ask her if she is ready to get Bubba and she shakes her head up and down. It melts my heart watching their friendship grow. However, it's a love-hate relationship. B tends to yank toys out of her hands, push her away/down, and hit her. So, when he draws close (to put his arm around her or give her love), she flips out and makes a run for it. Don't invade her personal space! I'll leave it at this…

If Brooks and Ann Bennett are quarreling, I'd put my money on Annie!

Ann Bennett loves to blow kisses, wave to everyone and everything, and ride in Brooks' truck and the wagon. She points to every single airplane and says, "ahhhhhhhh!" She rarely leaves Mama's side, likes to be held when I'm cooking dinner, and finds joy in emptying the sippy cup drawer. She loves to push her babies around in her stroller, make vroom noises when pushing around brother's trucks, and music. 85% of the day she is dancing or singing.

Ann Bennett, I squeeze and kiss you a million times a day, because you are too cute and such a joy. We are thankful for you, baby girl!

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