five month favorites.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

1. BOB Revolution Stroller - Warmer, dryer days have called for more jaunts outside. Brooks and I go on one to two walks a day. He enjoys looking around and I enjoy the workout. While I haven't been actively jogging with the BOB (I attempted to once—more on that issue later) John has and he has no complaints. It is SO lightweight and easily maneuverable...sometimes too lightweight and maneuverable. HA! I still prefer my Orbit for travel and errands, but the BOB has proven to be great for exercise!

2. Fisher Price 1-2-3 Crawl-Along Snail - I can chalk this guy up to making tummy-time more fun for Brooks and getting him to roll over for the first time. He is so intrigued by the mirror, music, lights, and the fact that it moves. It is a must-have on his activity mat. Thank you Aunt Katye and Uncle Jeff for the awesome hand-me-down!

3. lifefactory teethers - These are perfect teethers for little ones. They bend, which makes them easy for Brooks to hold onto and fit into his mouth to chew on. Of course, I love that they are PVC, latex, and BPA free. And an added bonus: they can be refrigerated or frozen to soothe sore gums!

4. Safety 1st Winnie the Poo Walker - No, I do not recommend walkers. To be honest, I am opposed to them, as is my pediatrician and pretty much every other mom on the planet (well, except for Baby Boomers). However, when we went home to visit my family back in April, my brother and sister-in-law brought this bad boy over along with the exersaucer. I gave a thumbs up to the exersaucer, but Brooks wanted nothing to do with it. I thought to myself, doesn't hurt to give the walker a go; little man's feet can't even touch the ground yet. We will just leave it at Nannie and Pop Pops if Brooks takes a liking to it. Yeah, well, he LOVED it. And guess what? It is chilling in our kitchen, as we speak. It has a high back on the seat which supports Brooks' head well. And he gets the biggest kick out of the musical honey pot that lights up. It also has a mirror and teether that baby boy likes to chew on. So, until he is on the move, this walker will be a staple in our home. 

5. Moby Wrap - I really wish that I had started using this wrap sooner. I used it a few times when Brooks was itty bitty, but that was just around the house when I was in desperate need of two free hands. Now Brooks and I ROCK it on grocery runs and big shopping trips. We have officially mastered the Moby. My advice is to put it on before you leave the house instead of in the parking lot at your destination. That way you are all tied up and ready for baby. It is really comfortable and Brooks loves to be in a position where he can check everything out. It is a must-have for trips to the store when baby is still too small to sit in the shopping cart and you are planning on filling it to the rim. You can't do that with a car seat inside the buggy!

6. Outside - What little boy doesn't have a heart for the great outdoors?! If it isn't raining, you can probably find us outside. Brooks loves to watch the cars and trucks go by...especially the garbage man who has gotten in the habit of honking his horn when he passes through. JB also loves to lie on his blanket and play with his toys, walk around the yard, sit and stand on mommy's lap in the chair, and go for walks. Fussy baby? Head outside! Works like a charm...

7. Baby Einstein Bendy Ball - The Bendy Ball has become one of Brooks' most prized possessions. It is easy for him to grasp and pull towards his mouth. He loves the caterpillar and I get the biggest smiles out of him when I tell him what each color is. We even put it in the tub during bath time for him to play with. I wouldn't be surprised if his first word is "ball." 

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