first taste.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I wanted to hold off on introducing Brooks to solids until six months, but our growing boy has been showing signs of being ready to transfer to the Moms on Call "4-6 months" schedule for a couple of weeks now. The reason why I didn't switch to this schedule at four months is because it includes three feedings a day that include solids.  At four months, I didn't feel as if Brooks was quite ready for that and I wasn't ready to jump on the "solids" train yet. However, around month five his naps were getting difficult, his bottles contained six or more ounces of breastmilk/formula, and he seemed more tired at his last nighttime feeding. He was also showing extreme interest in what John and I were putting into our mouths. In my heart I knew that it was time to switch schedules so on Monday, May 20th, we made the leap. 

But, Monday was not the first time Brooks had his first taste of rice cereal. We actually hit this milestone Sunday evening so John could be a part of it too. 

So, before his 5:00 bottle (yes, I know this is backwards), we stuck him in the Bumbo and I whipped up 1 1/2 ounces of Earth's Best Organic Whole Grain Rice Cereal

We put his bib on and were ready to go...

John got his first reaction on video while I fed him. And then I let him sit down and take over the spoon while I captured this big moment on camera.

It was definitely a learning experience for all of us. One word: MESSY.

Some tears were shed (surprisingly, not by me). We aren't sure if it was because Brooks was unsure of the situation, texture, or taste of the cereal or if it was because he wanted more. It could be because he was most interested in chewing on the spoon and was not down when we pulled it out of his mouth!

Whatever it was, he reached a breaking point and we decided that it was time to call it quits.

I would also like to note that Brooks is not a fan of getting cleaned up. POO HIT THE FAN when we tried to wipe his hands and his face. And to those of you who haven't had an experience with rice cereal: it is sticky. An icky sticky mess.

Today marks Day 2 of the schedule change and we are slowly adapting. Mr. Fussy Pants is definitely a creature of habit (he gets it from his mama), but he seems to be enjoying mealtimes a bit more each time. In just two days I see progress. He is doing a great job "chewing" and swallowing. Hardly any cereal makes it way to the bib now! And once he starts wiggling and becoming fussy, we say "all done." I am trying to keep this time as stress-free and fun as possible! I plan on keeping him solely on rice cereal for a week or two and then will slowly add other yummy solids to the mix. Hopefully we won't have a picky eater on our hands. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures cracked me up! I love reading about your MOC progress since I'm just two months behind you. I was also wondering/iffy about how it said to introduce foods at 4 months, so I'm glad to see what you did! Love his pics!


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