black widow.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Ohhh, last night, last sleepless night. Where do I begin? How about at 2:24 a.m. when I woke up from a terrifying dream about a black widow spider? (I have the weebies just thinking about it). At 2:30 a.m. I couldn't shake those weebies and fall back asleep. I seriously felt like bugs were crawling all over me. Has that ever happened to you? Naturally, since I was already up, I decided to turn on the monitor screen to check on Brooks...only to find him on his tummy! Talk about a major freak out moment. John and I just had a conversation that evening about being thankful Brooks was still sleeping on his back despite his new infatuation with rolling over from his back to his belly. We seriously cannot keep this child on his back these days. And it's not that we are totally against Brooks sleeping on his tummy, it's that our child hates being on his tummy and hasn't quite mastered rolling back over to his back, which means we have one fussy and frustrated baby when he realizes he is stuck

I was surprised to find him asleep, but the worrier in me debated on whether or not to go into the nursery and flip him. I decided to leave him, but when the clock hit 2:36 and he started fussing, I got up faster than lightning to go turn him back over. 

I hopped back into bed and watched him fade with the wubs (Wubanubs) for a few before turning the monitor screen off in hopes to get some shut eye. 

At 3:00 a.m. Brooks woke up again (or did he ever fall asleep?!)...struggling on tummy with his head face down in the mattress.

I went in and flipped him. 

At 3:16—same thing...struggling on tummy. 

I went in and flipped him. 

At 3:26 a.m., he was back on his tummy, face down, possibly asleep? I worried again, so went in to try to turn his head to the side. At this point he wakes up and is not having it. He kept putting his face down, so I FLIPPED HIM! At this point he, and I, are wide awake. I considered staying in the nursery playing this game of "tummy flip" until he fell back asleep, but figured that would do no good. I got back into bed and at 3:34, YEP, he is back on his tummy. Now it's time to just battle it out. At 3:40 a.m., Brooks wins the fight and I go back into the battlezone because he is screaming his head off. I rolled him over to his back. At 3:47 a.m., he rolled back over to his tummy. At 3:52, I went back in to make sure his arms are out and not stuck underneath his little body, but decide to leave him lying on his tummy crying. 4:00 a.m. rolls around and he is still crying (talk about ripping my heart out). I gave up and went back in to soothe him. I rocked him in my arms for a bit because my hand on his chest wasn't getting the job done. I eventually put him back down in the crib around 4:05, placed a soothie in his hand and crawled back into bed...hopefully for the last time. 

At 4:15 a.m. he appeared to be asleep so I turned the screen off. 

At 5:15 a.m., John's alarm sounds.

That darn black widow. 


  1. Charlie is the same way... I have started putting a little baby pillow on one side of him and so far it has kept him on his back. Whit slept on his stomach but I think it was after he could get from back to tummy and then from tummy to back!
    Those nights are so hard!

    1. That's a great idea—we may have to try that if he keeps this up, cause mama needs her sleep! HA. It's just odd because the first time Brooks ever rolled over was from tummy to back. But, it's like he is so obsessed with back to tummy now, he completely forgot how to roll from tummy to back! So frustrating. Glad I'm not the only one :)

  2. oh the days! I remember those days! And I never really figured out why it was that we would have nights like this?? Hope tonight is better! And just so you know, I had a dream last week that I awoke in the MOTN to look on the monitor and see a brown recluse crawling in the crib toward baby's face (I had just read a spider article, I am terrified of spiders and we didn't have the bumpers on her crib so I guess I was afraid spiders could crawl in??)!!!!

    1. Oh yea, and I just remembered that for a while, I would take receiving blankets and roll them into "logs" and lodge them under Ri's armpits, on each of her sides at night to keep her for rolling like that. It did seem to work!

    2. HAHA. I am so happy I am not alone here! If JB keeps this up I will for sure be trying out the log rolls. GREAT idea, thank you! Just when you think they have this whole sleeping through the night thing down pat, BAM, surprise mommy! Also happy I'm not alone on the crazy spider dream...WT?


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