
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Valentine's Day was perfection, from start to finish. If I had to choose one word to describe the day, it would be "intentional." You know, sometimes we need to be intentional with our attitudes, no matter what the day throws at you, and I woke up with an intentional positive outlook. I knew that the day was going to be great and already felt loved and ready to love. John had surprised me with a sweet card, a lamp from At Home that I mentioned, weeks ago, would look great in our dining room, a pair of shoes, and my favorite candy. Really? What a gem. But, it wasn't the "things" that made me happy. It was the thought and the intention that he poured into making this day so special for me.

Brooks and I had a great day together. My heart felt like it was going to burst every time I looked at that sweet boy. Cupid must have struck him with an arrow because he was so lovey all day long. Now, that's not to say we didn't hit a couple of rough patches throughout the day. But, I did choose to intentionally love him through them and a mid-afternoon fuss fest.

Little buddy and I did a little bit of crafting after lunch. He made daddy the most precious Valentine's card and had so much fun in the process!

The hub's and my original plan was to go on a date to the movies that evening. 1. We haven't been to a movie together since the Hunger Games (before that it was The Dark Knight, circa 2008) and 2. I have been craving movie theatre popcorn bad. Real bad. However, due to long and winded days for the both of us, we decided to go eat Mexican for dinner with Brooks and rent a movie. Can I just say that this plan appealed to me so much more than a night out? It brought me so much joy to have both of my valentines with me while eating beef soft tacos. MMMM. Those soft tacos, another pregnancy craving of mine. But, back to the popcorn...

John walked in the door around 5:30 with a pot of gold.

Yes, that's right, intention at its finest. Forget the love letter, forget the lamp, forget the shoes and candy. The fact that he went above and beyond for a bag of buttered movie theatre popcorn made me fall in love with him all over again. It also reminded me that marriage is all about being selfless, thoughtful, and intentional. It really is the little things...

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