baby no-name.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Oh, my sweet unplanned no-named baby. How my heart beats fast for you, already. I cannot imagine life without you, even though you're not in my arms yet and I praise God for you each and every day. What a miracle you are! But, let Mommy be honest with you—our (our, being me and daddy. It takes two baby) plan was to wait a longer while to get pregnant with you. Lo, that God of ours and His sense of humor. You have plans, Lauren? Well, guess what? I have plans for you, too. And they are much greater and may look a lot different than yours...

And that they do. SURPRISE! You're having a baby!

Let me back track a bit.

Without going into great detail, I thought that I was going to have difficulties getting pregnant a second time. Post Brooks, I have had a great deal of hormonal issues (namely hypothyroidism), resulting in an irregular cycle; 35 days one month, 60 the next. It was so unpredictable that being a week or two "late" was the norm for me and there was never a moment of worry or wonder. So, it's really quite odd that I even considered taking a pregnancy test on December 20th. I chalk it up to a nudge from my Spirit, because there were no signs pointing to a possible pregnancy, other than being two weeks late. But, again that's my normal. Other than that, there were none. at. all.

I had been super stressed due to the lack of progress on the house and living in boxes. Being unsettled does it to me, every single time. On top of that we were smack dab in the middle of the crazy holiday season, prepping for Brooks' first birthday party, and the move. And have I mentioned we turned our three bedroom abode into a two bedroom? Yeah. The absolute last thing on my mind was getting pregnant or being pregnant. I'll take a rain check, Lord. Give me some time?

Anyway, I was on the phone with my mom while walking to CVS with Brooks to pick up some more clothespins for our Christmas cards. Quite distracted (because I was rambling and venting about all that we had going on and telling her how I wasn't quite sure we were going to make the trek to Atlanta for Christmas. Pack for a trip when all of my belongings were still unpacked? My head hurts just thinking about it!), I wandered up and down the aisles and without thought took a pregnancy test off of the shelf. Like I said, I had no signs or symptoms like my pregnancy with Brooks. I did, however, wake up wanting to chug orange juice that morning. Odd.

We made our way back home and I had to go to the bathroom so with B climbing up my legs I whipped out the test, in the middle of the morning tinkle here.

I'm not really sure how many minutes passed, but I made my way back into the bathroom and boom. Double boom. Two pink lines. The test was POSITIVE. I think at this point I left Earth for a second or two. When I came to, I immediately picked up the phone and called John. He answered in a whisper and told me that he was about to start a meeting. I said, "Okay, then now's not a good time. Call me later." Then there was an awkward silence and he asked, "Are you?!?" ...and theeeennnnn the floodgates opened.

The next day, I took another pregnancy test. Positive. That evening John went hunting and I started to not feel well (mind games?!). I ended up not eating dinner because I was too nauseous. I got into bed at 9:00 and dozed off for a bit. At 10:00 I woke up feeling really queasy with bad stomach pains. Come 10:30, I was hovered over the toilet throwing up. I hardly slept a wink that night.

On December 22nd, I woke up sick and tired, with no appetite. I had a huge case of the gags, but blamed it on something that I ate the day before that didn't agree with me. I still blame it on my rotten lunch because, while my nausea and lack of appetite persisted for the next five weeks (3 weeks longer than my pregnancy with Brooks), I didn't throw up again. I did, and still do, feel like I was hit by a mack truck of exhaustion. By 4:00 I'm ready to throw in the towel and launch my face into the pillows on the couch. And the headaches and migraines? Unbearable. I didn't have any with Brooks, before he was born (ha), so that's been taking some getting used to, too.

I want to also add, that it took a good two weeks after my initial pregnancy test to confirm from my doctor that I was, in fact, pregnant...with one baby (my HCG levels were off the charts, so there was talk that there were two bambinos in there). And at that point I was already 9 weeks pregnant! I think it's safe to say that this pregnancy is already flying by. It doesn't help that I am chasing after a 14 month old all day!

My boys at our first ultrasound appointment.
...and here I am at 13 weeks, 2 days. This pic was taken first thing in the morning yesterday, pre-breakfast. If I took it at night that bump would be twice the size. Why does that always happen?

Photobombed by the Goosenator.

As far as this pregnancy goes, it has been much different than my first. Most days I have to remind myself that I am growing a child, to take my prenatal vitamins, get a glass of water, and put my feet up. I have actually lost a pound since my initial appointment, so no weight gain quite yet. However, the pounds are sure to start packing on thanks to the five boxes of Girl Scout cookies we bought last weekend. Brooks and I made the executive decision to drop his morning nap on Thursday because his naps were turning into a shish show, so I am also looking for a stress reliever to indulge in to get me through the early hours of the day. I hate coffee and I can't drink alchy (obvi), so that only leaves me with the sweets. Any healthy guilty pleasures? Any recs? Please. I beg you. I'm desperate and am about to lose my mind! 

And on a final note, we aren't finding out the gender of Baby Bryant #2 (also, lovingly known as Baby No-Name) this go around! EEEEK! The pregnancy started out as a surprise, so why not end it with a surprise too?!

Happy Friday and thank you all who care enough to follow along with us! XOXO.

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