
Monday, April 15, 2013

This morning we had Brooks' four month well check-up. I was so eager to see how much he has grown since his last appointment, two months ago. 

Little nugget is growing, growing, and growing! Brooks now weighs 14 pounds, 9 ounces (30th percentile) and is 24 inches in length (14th percentile). We still have a little shawty on our hands, but I fear not that he will one day be tall like his mommy and daddy. He is perfect and healthy and we could not be more thankful. 

Unfortunately, Brooks had to get his second round of immunizations (Pentacel, Prevnar, and Rota). Only two pricks this go around. John didn't come with me to this appointment because Brooks proved to be a champ at his two month check-up. Luckily, he did just as great at this appointment. Of course he let out a cry and a couple of crocodile tears when he was pricked, but seconds later he stopped...and fell asleep! 

Hopefully he won't run a fever like he did after his first set of shots. But, I am preparing myself for an afternoon of snuggles just in case he does...

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