four month favorites.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

1. Bumbo - Gone are the days of snuggles and wanting to be cradled, hello wonderful world of strange noises and sights. Little JB is most content sitting or standing these days and what better way to appease his happy heart than to let him sit in the Bumbo. I try to limit his time in the seat because of hip placement issues, but when I need two free hands (usually while preparing dinner) I pop him in and let him do his thing. He loves being able to sit up and look around and it helps strengthen his neck at the same

2. Angel Dear Lovies - We LOVE our lovies! We have both the frog and bear and Brooks is a total fan. We only give them to him during nap time or long car rides when we want to get him to sleep. He throws them over his head and boom...out. It really is the sweetest.

3. Orbit G2 Travel System - We have done a good bit of traveling and running errands this month and I cannot say enough about my Orbit stroller and car seat. SO convenient. While we love our BOB for afternoon walks and jogs, it isn't an easy "go-to" for getting out and about and lacks the bells and whistles of an everyday stroller. For a more thorough review on the Orbit, checkout this post

4. Infantino Go Ga Ga Chewy Teether - We gave Brooks this toy in his Easter basket and it could not have been more perfect timing with his infatuation for chewing on anything and everything he can fit into his mouth. It really soothes his gums and is easy to hold. And I love that it is BPA free. 

5. ABC song - Brooks lights up when I sing him the ABC's. He stares intently at my mouth as I sing and gives me a big grin or chuckle. No other song that I sing gets that kind of reaction (unless I happen to yawn while singing...he thinks yawns are funny). English will probably be his favorite subject in school, just like his mommy. I see a spelling whiz in our future! 

6. i play Sun Hat - We have enjoyed quite a few sunny days outside this Spring and this hat has really come in handy. I even ordered an additional size up for the summer months because we like this hat so much. Not only is it cute, but it also has a UPF of 50+ and comes in a gillion different colors. And Brooks actually enjoys wearing it, tie and all. 

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