one month favorites.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1.  Fisher-Price Luv U Zoo Deluxe Musical Activity Mat - Okay, so this isn't one of Brooks' favorites (yet!), but I think that an activity mat is a first month must for stimulation and tummy-time. This mat flashes lights, plays music, and has a rotating mobile. Plus, it's cute! Big thanks to my brother and sister-in-law for the hand-me-down. We are putting it to good use! 

2. Boppy Pillow - Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, you are going to want this pillow for support! Believe me, your arms will get extremely tired and your back will start to ache. We also use it during tummy-time and as a place for Brooks to nap. 

3. Medela Pump In Style Breastpump - I didn't want to have to use this, but due to complications, I am having to exclusively pump and supplement (more on this later). This pump is the Ferrari of all pumps. Yes, it packs a hefty price, but trust me when I tell you, you are going to have to pump at some point and when you do have to, you are going to want a high quality, electric pump. Your nips will thank you later...

4. Avent BPA Free Freeflow Silicone Pacifiers - Brooks loves, and I mean loves, this paci. After trying several different brands that didn't want to stay put in his mouth or were as big as his head, I finally turned to my pediatrician. Thanks to her great advice, we finally had a winner. 

5. SwaddleMe Microfleece - Without this, our baby would probably never sleep at night. Brooks definitely prefers the SwaddleMe over the Halo SleepSack. However, I do think that the SleepSack will come in handy when he gets a little bit older. We chose the microfleece because it is super cozy—great for winter months.

6. Boon Lawn - Because we are bottle feeding Brooks pumped breast milk and formula we have a lot of bottles, nipples, and pump parts to wash...and dry. The Boon Lawn not only works wonders in the drying world, but also looks cute on the kitchen counter...double whammy. 

7. Nose-Frieda Snot Sucker - Brooks is prone to boogs. We blame the cats. Thankfully, this little contraption gets the mess out of his button nose without too much irritation. At times, John and I have both gagged while using it (you actually suck the boogers out with your mouth, but worry not, there is no way for it to transfer to your kisser), but in the long run, it works so much better than the bulb given to us at the hospital. 

8. Puj Tub - Brooks loves bath time, thanks to the Puj! He curls up in it perfectly—snug as a bug. Once he gets too big for the sink, we will lay it flat in the tub and lie him on top of it. It is made of a "non-slip" material so baby will stay put. It also hangs on the back of the door to dry, so it is great for small spaces. 

9. GroVia Magic Stick - I purchased this all natural diaper ointment to use with the cloth diapers, but because it smells amazing and works wonders when Brooks gets a little red bum I am using it with disposables, too. It comes in different sizes so buy one for the changing area and your diaper bag.

10. Farm Plush Blocks - These blocks and these links are Brooks' favorite toys. I chose to highlight the blocks because I think that they are perfect for newborn stimulation. Not only do they jingle, but they have different fabrics and patterns for baby to feel and look at. To top it off, they are absolutely precious. Done deal. 

11. Burt's Bees Baby Bee - I am a huge advocate for all natural products, so it was a no-brainer when choosing a body wash, lotion, and soap for Brooks. His sensitive and dry skin loves it and it smells really good.

12. 4moms Mamaroo - There are so many great swings on the market, but this is the greatest (in my opinion). It doesn't take up much space and is sleek and modern—that's why mommy likes. Brooks loves it because its wonderful features. It can play music from your phone or iPod and has several swing modes and speeds. Brooks' favorite? "Tree Swing" on HIGH! 

And lastly, here are a few more one month favorites not pictured:

and blankets...lots of snuggly blankets. 


  1. Loved reading your product reviews! I'm trying to get all ready and prepared, so I really liked seeing what Brooks and you like a lot so far. I'm so glad y'all are doing well and he is just a doll!!!

    1. Thank you Anna! We are pretty smitten :) I cannot believer you are getting so close to D-Day! I cannot wait to see your precious girl. I am so glad this post came in handy!


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