
Friday, January 25, 2013

My greatest postpartum fear was not being able to breastfeed my sweet boy. My heart shattered at the possibility...or impossibility for that matter. Several weeks ago my fear started to become a reality when Brooks wasn't gaining weight at the desired rate and the doctor became concerned. Brooks' health took priority over my needs and expectations so I accepted the fact that I would have to start supplementing with formula. The lactation consultant assured me that feeding him some breast milk was better than feeding him no breast milk.

So, I nursed then pumped after each feeding in hopes to increase my supply and wean Brooks from the bottle, but I wasn't seeing any positive results. Instead, I faced painful breasts, sore nipples, and heartache. Just when I thought that things couldn't get any worse, my supply started to slowly decrease in my right breast and it became engorged.  On Monday I woke up with two large, throbbing lumps near my armpit. The verdict? Clogged milk ducts. I tried everything to get rid of them; massage, warm compresses, hot baths and showers, heating pad, pumping on all fours, but felt no relief. To make matters worse, I started to develop a clogged duct in my left breast, as well. After a trip to the doctor the next morning, an ultrasound, a shot of and prescription for antibiotics, and a consult with lactation I was dealt really bad news: I had mastitis and the infection was so bad that it was on the brink of turning into an abscess. The news didn't stop was also confirmed that I had thrush. It can't get any worse than that, right? Oh, but it did. 

Let me back track a bit.

In high school I suffered from fibrocystic breast changes, which led to two surgeries to remove a few adenomas. I didn't think that these procedures would lead to long-term damage, but the ultrasound that I had this week confirmed that several of my milk ducts were damaged, thus not producing milk. That explains a lot. I am incredibly thankful to have so many questions, doubts, and uncertainties answered, but I am heartbroken. I will never be able to bond with any of my children by means of breastfeeding. I will never be able to provide them with ideal nutrition. 

I wanted to give up. But, I'm not. I will continue to pump and feed Brooks the 2-3 ounces that I am able to express for as long as I can. Again, some breast milk is better than no breast milk. I am encouraged and am at peace. No matter what happens, I will know that I did my best and remind myself that whatever the circumstance, it is the Lord's will. I am assured by His love for me and especially His love for Brooks. 

I have faced some pretty dark days this week, but find light in the Lord and in His greatest gift to me: my Brooks. He never fails to bring a smile to my face or flutter to my heart. I find myself falling more and more in love with him every day. Even when he wakes me in the wee hours of the morning. When our eyes meet as I approach the cradle all of the pain, feelings of exhaustion and inadequacy, worries, and guilt disappear. He shines so brightly in my heart. 

My sunshine: 

lap nap | winding down
cuddles with mommy | finger holding

big bib | glimpse of a smile
headache | passed out

boppy baby | arm snooze
silly face | chillaxin

afternoon stroll | ready for bed
those lips | swimming in my outfit

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