getting closer.

Monday, November 5, 2012

We're moving right along and getting closer and closer to the arrival of our sweet baby boy. EEK! I am so excited! This morning I had my 34 week appointment with Dr. Gregory. At 34 weeks, 3 days I am measuring on track, have gained 2 pounds since my last appointment (no surprise there), and am nearing my weekly visits. I let Dr. Gregory know of some new symptoms: extreme nausea, loss of appetite, headaches, congestion, lower backache, and swelling. I was concerned about the nausea, loss of appetite, headaches, and congestion because A. loss of appetite is way out of the norm for me. FOOD = FRIEND and B. I was worried that I might be getting sick, seeing that I have run myself into the ground from traveling the past 3 weekends. Luckily, I am not getting sick. Unluckily, the nausea and loss of appetite are extremely normal for this stage of pregnancy. Our little nugget isn't so little anymore and is taking up so much room that my stomach is compressed and my digestive tract is squished. The things we mothers-to-be endure for our bambinos. 

I also mentioned to the doc that Brooks' movements have slowed down quite a bit. I got extremely worried Sunday afternoon when I had not felt him once since I woke up that morning. He is typically very active so of course I started to think the worse. John tried to lighten the situation by making me laugh--he said that after all the belly rubbing, loud music, shakes, and activity over the weekend he probably just wanted some rest like his momma! I did feel him some later in the day and my worries began to dissipate, but I figured I would run it by Dr. Gregory. Better to be safe than sorry! 

So, at my appointment she decided to hook me up to the fetal monitor to make sure everything was okay. Brooks did NOT like the monitor one bit and would not cooperate (I'm beginning to see a pattern here). Due to his stubbornness, I had to lie in the chair for an additional 30 minutes because his kicking, rolling, and moving around increased his heart-rate so much that they weren't able to check what they wanted to check. He finally settled down and this worried momma's fears were put to rest; everything looked fine and I was given the thumbs up to go my own way. 

I am so ready for Brooks to be here I can hardly contain myself. Not because I am uncomfortable, sometimes to the point of tears, but because in my heart I can't wait to meet our baby boy. I was so worried that the day wouldn't come where I felt completely at peace and prepared (well, as prepared as you can be), but it has. Not only for myself, but for John too. He warmed my heart by telling me about a dream that he had this weekend: we were in the hospital, the nurse handed Brooks' to him and he just stared at him in complete awe. He told me that he was the happiest he has ever been and that Brooks was the most handsome baby he had ever seen. 

I greatly look forward to the day the nurse hands our son to John...

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