the prediction.

Monday, June 18, 2012

This morning I had my 14 week appointment and everything looked and sounded great. Praise God! Little baby Bryant's strong heartbeat was music to my ears, my blood pressure was "on time," as John would say, and I am at a healthy weight. Speaking of weight, I have gained FOUR pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago. Sigh. And so it begins...

I have another appointment at 18 weeks and then we will schedule our next ultrasound at 20 weeks. So, in approximately 6 weeks we will be finding out whether our little peanut is a boy or a girl! We cannot wait...literally.

On Saturday morning I took the IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test. Now, I wouldn't say that I took it against my free will--I was just as curious as John--but, it did take him a few days to ultimately persuade me. To be honest, I had no clue that this test even existed until John came back from the hunting club last weekend and told me all about it. (HMMM...hunting club and baby talk?! Weird.) I did a little research and although it is a bit on the pricey side, I decided that we really didn't have anything to lose. Well, except $45.00.

We concealed the test for the big reveal! 
So what did the test predict, you ask?

Umm. I do believe I see an orange tint and a green tint...
That we are having a...

Well, I think. It really depended on what angle you looked at it. I was definitely hoping for a more clear result. Would I recommend the IntelliGender test? I'll let you know in 6 weeks...

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of this test...can't wait to see how accurate it is! 3 boys at the Bryant's house for Christmas!!!! That would be fun to watch:) Keep updating on the pregnancy!


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