two to one.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In a couple of months we will be technically kicking off the summer season. But, for those of us living down south, it will officially begin in a few short weeks. Yes, that's right, Memorial Day is just around the corner! This holiday is very dear to my heart. Not only is it a weekend that the entire family spends together at the lake, but it is also my brother Andrew's birthday weekend. This year he will be turning the big 30! This will also be the first weekend that this bod will be seeing the light of day in a swimsuit (Our anniversary doesn't count. We were secluded).

My friend Sarah posted this ecard on Pinterest the other day and I died out laughing because it is so true. That laugh quickly turned to a cry because, once again, it is so true.

Now, I am not one to diet, but I do try to take care of myself through exercise. It's just that I've been slacking since last June lately and I'm not feeling up to par. With this being said, I have been contemplating the big switch from doting a two-piece to a one-piece. The problem is, I am only 27 years old. Oh yeah, I haven't birthed a child yet, either. I'm pretty sure my mom proudly wore a two-piece until she was 40 years old. I seem to have inherited the Semanson genes and not the Kolodziej genes. You win some, you lose some. So the question is...shall I make my first one-piece purchase (since the third grade) this year?

These beauts have helped me with my decision:

YES, yes I will take the plunge. One-pieces can be fun and flirty too! Bring it on, beach and lake. Bring it on.

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