cat nap.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I love Sundays. Not only is it the day of the week that we get to worship our King, but it is also a day of Sabbath. John and I tend to take full advantage of this day of rest. After our jam-packed Friday and Saturday, today was no exception. Over the weekend the husband and I sorted out our banking, went on a date to celebrate our first three months of marriage, drove around and took pictures of some beautiful homes in Mountain Brook for Francis A. Bryant & Sons' website, grabbed lunch at Gilchrist, went to Best Buy to purchase some new electronics (Christmas came early for the both of us. I welcomed the Nikon SB-900 to my photography family. YAY!), went to the in-laws, ventured to the Summit to buy a couple of  wedding gifts, drove out to Columbiana to celebrate the recent marriage of our friends Aaron and Angela Fant, stopped by Academy for some feed, and dined at DoDiYo's with my best friend Ashley and her husband Conner. Oh yeah, I also went to a Bridal Tea in honor of our friend Taylor's bride-elect, Katie. And I cleaned...but, that is a given.

Right now, the winds are picking up and the sky is getting dark. I think we're in for a bit of a blow. {Insert nap}.

While we are on the subject of naps, I wanted to share a few photos of my children, Coco (a.k.a "Miss Mo," "Mokie," "Cokio") and Goose (a.k.a "Goosie Man," "Mr. Goose," "Blanco Kitty"). I am almost positive that they sleep 95% of the day. Here are a few things that they like to do the other 5%...

Goose loves to lounge on the cool hardwoods. Hence, why I vacuum twice a day. 
Goose also loves bath time. He actually follows me into the bathroom, hops up onto the edge of the tub and cries (meows) until I turn the water on. 
Coco wants in on the action. 
Coco's turn. 
Goose couldn't stand sitting on the sidelines so joined back in. It's rare to see these two share. This was an "aww" moment for me. Usually they are chasing each other around the condo and hairballs are flying.  
I didn't know cats liked eggs. Goose will eat pretty much anything. Maybe it's the curiousity of the cat? I hope it doesn't kill him. Curiousity, that is. Well, eggs too for that matter. 
Coco loves the windowsill. Unfortunately, she doesn't like to share it so Goose has to resort to using other means. 
Ah, yes. She likes this spot because she can watch the birds walk around outside. 
Gotta hate temptation.  
Goose is our feisty kitty and loves play time with daddy. 
He is also a black belt in karate. 
Wait for it...

Another melt-my-heart moment. It's rare to see these two get cozy.   
Those that lay together, stay together.

I hope that everyone had a great weekend and was able to find time at some point to get a little cat nap in. If you didn't, Coco and Goose did for you...

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