Baby girl has turned a corner this past month. She is more affectionate, silly, and sweet as ever. She is the best helper—she loves to help me cook dinner, clean-up all messes, and put away toys. She is quick to respond with "yes, ma'am" or "yes, sir" when asked to do something. She has been loving her mama lately and I have been loving it, too. Who is this child who crawls into my lap, squeezes my neck, and gives me the best kisses?! AB Baby, you are making my heart burst!
Ann Bennett is our child that keeps us laughing. One of the things that I adore and get the biggest kick out of is her vocabulary. So, here is Annie's first "Ann Bennett Says" word (and mermaid)-style:
She calls lip gloss, "lip claw". And asks for is on the regular.
She calls a braid, "brave." And is equally obsessed, these days.
Our all-time favorite: steak is "snake." Baby girl loves her some snake.
A trolley in AB's world is a "charlie."
Another favorite of mine, crumbs? Oh, those are just "grumbles."
She calls jewels, "rules" and granola, "granilla."
And lastly, in true Halloween fashion, pumpkins in AB's world are "punkeens."
Ann Bennett, my darling girl, you are such a light. Keep on shining and being YOU!