I can't wrap my head around the fact that in three short months, Ann Bennett will be ONE. It baffles my mind that she is nine months old. Another baby, nine months in, nine months out. Time sure does fly when you're having fun…or when you're chasing around two babies all day, every day? Either way, we are so grateful for our days with these sweet, precious lives.
Month nine was a big month for Ann Bennett
and a hard month for mama. I kid.
Sort of. Her brain is in overdrive. She is exploring, discovering, learning new tricks and testing her limits. Therefore, she regressed as far as naps and sleep go, this month. On April 19th, I found her sitting up in her crib. Not long after, she started tugging on the bumper pads, pulling up, and ripping the monitor off the wall. Therefore, on the 5th, we lowered the crib.

Back to sleep. Or lack, thereof. On May 5th, Ann Bennett woke up after being asleep for an hour, crying hysterically. She was inconsolable. It took a solid hour of hushing and rocking to get her settled. The next night, three hours after being asleep, she did the same thing. The next night? Nothing. It was so bizarre. She also used to fall asleep within minutes of laying her down. Now she stirs, climbs, sits, and plays until I go back in and lay her down again. Typically, third time's a charm. As for naps, she has never been a great napper, but we have had a fews days this month where she refused her morning nap or only slept for 1-2 hours that day. Three hours total is a good nap day, a
very good nap day!
At eight months Ann Bennett was getting around, but with more of a three-limb crawl. On May 6th, it finally clicked and she started full-blown crawling. She's a quick little thing, fully equipped to keep up with big brother now!
Another date that I want to remember is April 29th, Ann Bennett's first bath with Brooks! He was a bit reluctant, but ended up having fun. AB was in heaven!
My fiery baby girl is hot…and cold. One minute she is hysterically laughing moving and grooving in the exersaucer, the next she is in tears because no one is showing her any attention. She will seriously stop fussing and let out a little giggle the minute you make eye contact with her. OY. She also loses her COOL when I tell her no. Speaking of, she started mini-tantrums this month. I say mini, because I now know what a real tantrum looks like thanks to my two year old. She will arch her back and throw her head back when I lower her onto the changing pad or put her in the car seat. It's not every time, just when she is feeling moody.
On May 15th, AB baby perfected her wave. It is the cutest thing EVER. She loves to wave to herself in the mirror and to mommy when I am feeding her.
Some other randomness to note:
She started eating finger food regularly this month. She loves peas, green beans, puffs, eggs…really, anything that I give her. She still eats purées three times a day, ranging from 4-8 ounces per feeding and takes four bottles, ranging from 5-8 ounces each. I introduced the sippy cup with water, but she hasn't gotten the hang of it yet. Practice makes perfect!
Annie B is not a bookworm like her brother. I thought that I'd reintroduce books since all she wanted to do in the past was chew on them, but
nope, still not a fan. She still prefers to chew on them, close them, and throw them. I even try to read one to her before bed, after her bottle when she has a full belly and is tired, but she won't have it! Breaks this book lover's heart.
I love discovering her likes and dislikes, understanding her heart, and nourishing her spirit. The next few months, well, years, are going to be so full of adventure. I'm so thankful you are a part of mine, Ann Bennett! Happy nine months, sweet thing!